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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu Miss7Mama dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu Miss7Mama te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
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    Broj poruka: 4

    Prijavi adminu

    Upis u prvi razred, dosad uredno cijepljen. na redu je bilo cjepivo DI-TE pro adultis + POLIO. u nekoliko navrata su nas otkazivali da nema cjepiva ili ga ima, ali se ne mogu dogovoriti tko će ga distribuirati i takooo …da bi zadnji put kad sam zvala rekli da ipak ne mora primiti to cjepivo, uredno je cijepljen i to je u redu???  To je bilo prije 2 tj. Danas mi kuma govori da su njoj rekli neka dođe bilo koji dan od 8-13 s tim da kumić treba primiti samo POLIO.
    Ništa mi nije više jasno, imate kakvih iskustava????

  • Avatar Klokanica


    Broj poruka: 649

    Prijavi adminu

    Draga smarija, tema o cijepljenju već je otvorena. Molimo Vas da svoje pitanje postavite u jednoj od tih rasprava: [] []

  • aihumlae7

    Broj poruka: 8

    Prijavi adminu

    That right! [] []

  • Kombi prijevoz

    Broj poruka: 2

    Prijavi adminu

    To je obavezno []

  • Redsellers94

    Broj poruka: 53

    Prijavi adminu

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  • Avatar carry8988


    Broj poruka: 4

    Prijavi adminu

    Vaccinating school children is a critical step in safeguarding their health and the community. It not only protects them from preventable diseases but also helps create a safer learning environment. Additionally, promoting dental care alongside vaccinations is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups can prevent oral health issues. For more information on dental care, visit [], where you can find valuable resources and services to support your child's dental health.

  • jakabasej8

    Broj poruka: 15

    Prijavi adminu


    Vaccinating school children is a critical step in safeguarding their health and the community. It not only protects them from preventable diseases but also helps create a safer learning environment. Additionally, promoting dental care alongside vaccinations is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups can prevent oral health issues. For more information on dental care, visit [], where you can find valuable resources and services to support your child's dental health.

    Absolutely! Vaccinating school children is indeed crucial for their health and the well-being of the community.

  • jakabasej8

    Broj poruka: 15

    Prijavi adminu


    Vaccinating school children is a critical step in safeguarding their health and the community. It not only protects them from preventable diseases but also helps create a safer learning environment. mirisne svijeće [] Additionally, promoting dental care alongside vaccinations is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups can prevent oral health issues. For more information on dental care, visit [], where you can find valuable resources and services to support your child's dental health.

    It's a proactive measure that not only shields them from preventable illnesses but also fosters a healthier learning atmosphere.

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